One of the most shocking things that small and mid-sized business owners discover – as with talk with them on a daily basis – is that the bank business loan application process is excessively long. We’re talking several months here, not weeks.
What’s behind the massive delay? It’s that banks frankly don’t want to give business loans to small and mid-sized business owners. They want to focus on larger businesses with deep pockets, and of course, boosting commercial and residential mortgages, selling mutual funds and other investments, and promoting their beloved HELOCs.
Of course, banks don’t want to come out and tell small and mid-sized business owners to take a hike. It’s not good public relations. And so they’ve made their business loan application process excessively, and in many cases prohibitively long. At the same time, they’ve dramatically hiked their business loan requirement criteria, and the due diligence process is more invasive than ever before.
The bottom-line for small and mid-sized business owners is that a bank loan isn’t an option – at least not in the short-term future. And for applicants who have been in business for less than 2 years or who have bad credit, the waiting period is non-ending, since they won’t be approved at all.
Shield Advisory Group: Turning Several Months into a Handful of Days
At Shield Advisory Group, we understand that forcing business owners to wait several months to find out if their business loan application is approved is simply wrong and inexcusable.
That’s why we assess your business loan application within 48 hours of receipt – often it’s within 24 hours. And if you’re approved and happy with the numbers, we’ll have the funds in your account in a matter of DAYS.
Plus, you can then use the funds for whatever purpose you wish. There’s no need to ask our permission or even seek our opinion. You’re the best person to decide what your business needs to be strong and successful. If that means you allocate your business loan towards hiring new staff, exhibiting at an important conference, upgrading your technology systems, renovating your location, purchasing new equipment, or anything else, then that’s what you can do. You can even pay back your business loan early (if you wish) without any penalty.
Furthermore, we welcome applicants who have been in business 2-3 months – after all, even the biggest global enterprises were start-ups at one point! And imperfect or bad credit won’t lead to your application automatically being rejected. We’re far more interested in your financial attitude and practices now, than what they were many months or years ago.
Contact Us Today!
If you agree that waiting months for a business loan to materialize is simply out-of-the-question, then contact us today and learn more about our transparent loan programs. Our consultations are free, and there’s never any obligation to move forward.