Shield Advisory Group had the privilege of hosting a Clubhouse Room last night with a special guest appearance by baseball icon Dwight “Dr K” Gooden.
As a 3X World Series Champion, Cy Young Award Winner, Rookie of The Year and 4X All Star, Dr K shared his experiences about the tools needed for winning. At the highest levels. We learned these tools were transferable to other facets of life. From Dr. K’s warm recollections of his childhood under his father’s mentorship and tutelage to his time amidst the media spotlight and fanfare we were given a brilliant display of humanity.
It was soon evident Doc was not only physically gifted as an athlete, but he was also usually the hardest working guy on the training grounds.
Doc shared insights into the discipline and work ethic necessary to take any career to the highest levels. Moreover, he regaled us in tales of the teen phenom transitioning into a league competing against the best players in the world.
We also learned about the contrasts that arise from working within different organizations that maintained distinct corporate cultures (NY Yankees vs NY Mets).
Success does not come without failures. Dwight proved that the Road to Redemption can be just as rewarding.
Surrounding oneself with friends and family within a nurturing atmosphere can support us through the most difficult of times.
While some of his stories surrounding his years with the Amazing Mets bordered on hilarity, the audience was visibly emotional when we learned of the background surrounding the day Doc pitched his no hitter. His father, scheduled for surgery the next day, watched his son Doc pitch that no-hitter on television from his hospital bed and that would be the last game he would watch him play.
Whether you are a Mets or Yankees Fan, or a business professional seeking insight to that winning formula, last night was a unique SAG Experience. More to come…