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Finding Zen: Balancing Work and Personal Life as a Business Owner

Jan 16, 2024

Welcome back to the third and final installment of our 3-part series, "Mastering Your Hustle for Small Business Owners." So far, we've covered learning how to get better at time management using delegation and time blocking (catch up here), along with some practical productivity tools that can make our lives easier (catch up here).


But if we want to "keep the hustle alive" without burning out, we need to learn to find some balance...because otherwise, what is it all for? Let's explore three tried-and-true tips to find that elusive work-life harmony.


Set Boundaries:

Boundaries aren't restrictions; they're your secret weapon against burnout. Define your work hours and stick to them like gum on a hot sidewalk. Communicate these boundaries with your team, clients, and even yourself. When you guard your time like a hawk, you'll see stress levels drop and productivity rise. 

Action Tip: Block off specific work hours in your calendar and guard them fiercely. Remember,...

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The Ultimate Toolbox for Productivity

Jan 09, 2024

Welcome back to Part Two of our 3-part series, "Mastering Your Hustle," for small business owners. Last week, we worked on getting a bit better at managing our time by prioritizing tasks, delegating, learning to take breaks, and using time blocking. (Catch up here.)

This week, we're going to elevate our productivity game even more with these six tools to help you plan better, work smarter, and kick serious butt in 2024.  


Trello – Your Task HQ:

Feeling like your to-do list is out to get you? Say hello to Trello – your new Task HQ. This little gem can help you turn chaos into order, making it super easy to organize your projects. You can work seamlessly with your team, assign tasks, and forget the headache of scattered notes and missed deadlines. 


Asana – Your Work Oracle:

Think of Asana as your productivity sidekick. Project planning, goal tracking, and team coordination have never been smoother. Asana seamlessly integrates your tasks...

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4 Time Management Hacks for Small Business Owners

Jan 02, 2024

Mastering Your Hustle: A 3-Part Series for Small Business Owners

Ready to level up your small business game in 2024? In this 3-part blog series, we're diving deep into the essentials of entrepreneurial mastery. Get ready to learn the secrets of effective time management, discover the latest productivity tools for game-changers, and gain insights on balancing work and personal life. Whether you're a seasoned business professional or just starting out, these valuable insights will help you navigate the entrepreneurial landscape like a boss. Let's get started.

As small business owners, managing our time can be a real pain in the you-know-what. There's always a fire to put out. A crisis to deal with. A late shipment, a missed payment, or an employee calling out sick. (Nobody ever said this life was glamorous...or easy.)  

If you feel like you have zero control over your schedule and spend most of the day chasing your tail like a schizophrenic squirrel, we've got four simple...

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Mastering 2024: Eight Resolutions to Catapult Your Small Business to Success

Dec 26, 2023

Ah, the sweet symphony of a new year—a fresh chance to tackle business challenges and conquer new horizons. For small business owners and entrepreneurs, it's time to ditch the generic resolutions and get creative with effective strategies that'll make 2024 your best year yet. Here are eight resolutions to consider to kick some serious business butt.

  1. Sayonara, Spreadsheet Overload: Bid farewell to the labyrinth of Excel cells. Invest in a user-friendly, cloud-based accounting system that won't make you question your life choices every tax season.
  2. Embrace Your Inner Nosy Neighbor: Spy on your competitors shamelessly. What are they doing that you aren't? Stay on top of industry trends and sneakily borrow (ahem, adapt) the good stuff.
  3. Ditch the Conference Call Blues: Invest in a decent video conferencing tool. You deserve more than pixelated faces and awkward silences—it's time to spice up those virtual meetings.
  4. Hire a Human Translator: Say goodbye to misunderstandings and...
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Mastering Cash Flow Management for Small Business Owners

Dec 06, 2023

When it comes to running a business, few challenges are as crucial to navigate as the ebb and flow of cash. You could be the world's best planner, the Queen of Order, the Maestro of the Budget, or the teller of fortunes, but nobody (and we mean nobody) is immune to the occasional hiccup when it comes to not having the cash you need…when you need it.

Today, we'll explore why cash flow is paramount and provide actionable tips for its effective management.


The Importance of Cash Flow

Cash flow is the heartbeat of your business, governing its financial health. It's not merely about revenue but the strategic timing of when money enters and exits your operation. (The flow, if you will.)


Here are key reasons why you shouldn’t take your eyes off cash flow:

  • Survival and Stability: Cash flow is the lifeblood that sustains day-to-day operations. It ensures the operational continuity of your business by covering immediate expenses, salaries, and essential overheads.
  • ...
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Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Hiring

Nov 28, 2023

Finding the right people for your small business is super important. But, the hiring process can be a bit tricky, and sometimes even owners with the best intentions make mistakes that can cause big problems.

In this blog post, we'll give you the lowdown on some common mistakes to avoid when hiring new employees. Our goal is to help you build a team that's a valuable asset, not a source of headaches.

1. Rushing the Hiring Process

You might feel pressured to fill positions quickly, especially when faced with increased workloads. However, rushing the hiring process can lead to hasty decisions and a higher likelihood of hiring candidates who may not be the best fit for the role or the company culture. It is important to take the time to thoroughly vet candidates and ensure that they align with your business's long-term goals. Hire slow, fire fast. Try to do it right the first time; it's far less expensive to retain (vetted and qualified) employees than to recruit and train new ones.


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Don't Break the Bank: 30 Sometimes-Overlooked Expenses Small Business Owners Should Budget For

Oct 31, 2023

Pulse check: When was the last time you took a look at your expenses? We mean, really look at them. Line by line. Item by item. We’re talkin’ getting up-close-and-personal with the final destination of every dollar and cent that’s passed through your business.

Would any of those expenses surprise you?

Probably yes. 

Whether you’re just starting out (or have been in the game for a few years), running a small business has its fair share of financial challenges. In the daily hustle and bustle to keep the metaphorical boat from sinking, it's easy to forget about certain expenses that might sneak up on you. 

To keep your finances in check and prevent any nasty surprises down the road, it's essential to create a comprehensive budget. To help you out, we’ve highlighted 30 sometimes-overlooked expenses that small business owners should account for.

  1. Taxes and Licenses: Be sure to set aside funds for business licenses, state and local taxes, and any...
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The Power of Building Good Habits for Your Small Biz Success

Oct 10, 2023

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” - Aristotle 

Running a successful small business is not just about having a great product or service. It's about consistently making the right choices and building good habits that lead to long-term growth and prosperity. 

The Habitual Path to Success

As a small biz owner, you've got a lot on your plate when it comes to managing all the moving parts and pieces of your operation. And this can be overwhelming, especially if you don't have a structured approach to handle all the moving parts and pieces. 

That's why developing good habits is key.

Habits are the small, seemingly insignificant choices we make consistently but are the silent architects of our routines, gradually shaping the course of our businesses and our personal lives. For small business owners, recognizing the significance of these habits and harnessing their power can make all the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

Think about this: Do...

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The Art of Pricing: Strategies for Small Business Owners

Sep 26, 2023

Figuring out the right prices can be a real headache for small businesses. Charge too much, and you'll scare away your customers. Charge too little, and you'll end up eating more instant noodles than a college dorm room during finals week. It's a make-or-break decision that can impact your profitability. To help you out, we've put together this blog post to help small business owners get a better handle on pricing strategies. Give it a read and see how it can benefit your bottom line.

Understanding Your Costs:

Before diving into pricing strategies, it's essential to understand your costs. Calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) and consider overhead expenses. This includes production costs, labor, rent, utilities, and more. Knowing your costs provides a baseline for pricing that ensures you cover expenses.


Market Research:

Conduct thorough market research to understand your competitors and target audience. What are similar businesses charging for similar products or services?...

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The Rule of Thirds: A Blueprint for Success

Sep 12, 2023

Photographers and artists often use something called the Rule of Thirds in their work. They break the image into three sections (vertically and horizontally), and this compositional guideline serves almost like a cheat sheet to guarantee balanced and visually appealing images. 

This same principle can also be applied to the world of business. But rather than framing a perfect shot, it's a strategic approach to achieving balance and success in your entrepreneurial journey. From marketing to decision-making, following the rule of thirds can serve as your own blueprint.


Product Development

One of the primary applications of the Rule of Thirds in business is in product development. Here's how it works:

  1. Customer Needs (1/3): Allocate one-third of your product development efforts to understanding your customers' needs and preferences. Invest in market research, conduct surveys, and gather feedback to ensure your product addresses a genuine demand.
  2. Innovation (1/3):...
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